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Sega CD 32X Champion Collection

Sega SG-1000

Titles in this collection: 88

Tested with GenesisPlus
File count (uncompressed): 88
File size (uncompressed): 2.6 MB
Format: .sg

It’s rarely known, but the Sega SG-1000 was Sega’s first video game console!

After a few iterations and upgrades, it eventually became the well-loved Sega Master System.

Special items included:
Unreleased prototypes, games not in English (but only if they were easy enough to play without being fluent in another language), English-patched translations, plus these extras:

"SG-1000 M2 Test Cartridge" and "Terebi Oekaki."

Items removed:
Non-working dumps, duplicates, prototypes of games that eventually saw a release, versions not in English when English was available, modern homebrew games, and titles not in English that require proficiency in another language to play - Those can be found in my "Sega SG-1000 Language Pack."

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