Sega CD
English-friendly titles in this collection: 172
Tested with the PicoDrive (pre-2.00-beta3-d6f625a) core in RetroArch
File size (uncompressed): 44.88 GB
Format: .chd
The Sega CD was infamous for hilariously tacky FMV games (which were all the short-lived rage at the time), but it also brought us incredible soundtracks, the Lunar series, and the only official English port of Snatcher! How could you be mad at that?
The chonky Sega CD unit was meant as an affordable bridge into the "next generation" of gaming, but the attachment was mainly utilized to add CD-quality music and grainy, low quality video segments to the otherwise unchanged 16-bit gameplay of the Sega Genesis. And don't even get me started about the load times...
Honestly, in my experience, what the CD unit did best was introduce us to enhancements for 2D games in ways that made them feel very different - Added bells and whistles to an already great Sega experience.
Special items included: Unreleased titles, prototypes, English-patched translations, and titles not in English that are easy enough to play without being fluent in another language.
Items removed: Non-working dumps, duplicates, prototypes or demos of games that eventually saw a full release, homebrew titles, and games that require proficiency in another language to play.
Release notes - Multi discs: The games with multiple discs are separated in this collection because most emulators require them to be loaded in a special way - Every one of these titles has a .chd for each disc, but when you want to load or import that game, you'll want to use the included .m3u files instead. They contain information for the emulator to know how to switch between discs. Feel free to place all of your files from this collection in one folder, but I kept these separate so you won't importing them just like the other single discs.
Recommended patches: These are optional copies of titles that exist in the Champion Collection, but are altered in ways that make them more stable and fun to play (in my opinion).