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Sega CD 32X Champion Collection

Magnavox Odyssey2

Titles in this collection: 86

Tested with O2EM 1.18.1
File count (uncompressed): 86
File size (uncompressed): 340 KB
Format: .bin

The Magnavox Odyssey² was a large home console that arrived right before the gaming crash of the '80s.

It was a unique system that sported quite a few titles (the majority of which had an exclamation point in them), had a built-in keyboard, and even had support for physical board games! Later hardware add-ons gave it the power to speak, play chess, and compile in BASIC.

Unreleased prototypes, games not in English (but only if they were easy enough to play without being fluent in another language), plus these extras:

"Computer Intro!," "Morse," and "Type & Tell."

Items removed:
Non-working dumps, duplicates, prototypes of games that eventually saw a release, versions not in English when English was available, Brazilian and European versions of titles when a North American version was available, and modern homebrew games.

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